June 2-6 in Amsterdam


  • 2
    Tracks: Base Camp & Summit
  • 60+
    Speakers sharing latest insights
  • 10K+
    Devs from all over the globe
  • 1500
    Luckies meet in Amsterdam
In collaboration with

The Event

React Summit is a celebration of good things coming together:


React Summit is an annual conference on all things React, gathering thousands of Front-end and Full-stack engineers from around the world.

Originally exclusively in-person, React Summit now offers a hybrid format with both remote and in-person participation.

The first day to be streamed from the Amsterdam venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, streamed to the global audience online.

Please mind that the live stream & in-person program are identical in content, however, each starts at a different time.

The in-person program starts at 9:00 CEST whereas the live stream starts at 13:00 CEST.

Check this page for more react conferences to visit.

This year, you can expect authors and core teams of:

  • Next.js

  • React Query

  • TypeScript

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Remix

  • Cloudflare Workers

  • Web3

  • Zustand

  • Qwik

  • GraphQL



In-person PRO workshops - May 29-31.

Remote FREE workshops - during the whole June.



May, Wednesday

Pre-party for attendees and speakers - May 31.

Pick up your badge and hangout with community in the best local craft beer place!

Qwik Meetup - May 31.

+ Remote Day


June, Friday

Join us in Amsterdam or watch online. There will be lots of hybrid networking and inclusive interactivity!



June, Saturday

Experience Amsterdam with new & old friends during our boat and walking tours!




June, Tuesday

Streaming of both tracks, speaker QnA's, discussion rooms and one more afterparty!

Want to know the rest? Follow us

Festival vibe

Enormous venue with a water front terrace, 60+ speakers, JS art exhibition, lots of networkng with speakers and like-minded attendees, OS awards ceremony, awesome party & show - all both in-person & online!

Speakers & Trainers

Miško Hevery
Builder.io, USA
Talk: Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript

As CTO, Miško oversees the technology division that powers the Builder.io applications and software. Before joining Builder.io, he created Open Source platforms for Google, including Angular, AngularJS and was co-creator of Karma. While at Google, he brought a testing culture there with his blog. Before focusing on making the web better, he believes testing is the key to success.

Miško started his career designing digital circuits and moved to databases, full-stack development and finally, front-end frameworks, giving him a unique perspective. He understands all of the layers from the web down to a transistor. In addition to Google, he worked for tech powerhouses Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems.

He holds an MS/BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University.

Tru Narla
Discord, USA
Talk: Should You Use React in 2023?

Tru is a software engineer at Discord working in the communities org. on the new member experience team! Her passion is to inspire and educate others about the world of tech. In her free time, she streams programming on Twitch and creates tech content for TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. She loves her dog Beau and buying legos she doesn’t need.

Daishi Kato
Zustand & Jotai Author, Japan
Talk: Development History of Zustand

I am a freelance programmer based in Tokyo. I work on Zustand core team and various open source projects primarily with JavaScript and React. Author of Jotai: https://jotai.org, valtio, etc. https://contact.axlight.com

Mukkund Sunjii
ORTEC, Netherlands
Talk: Supercharging React Apps with WASM

Software Developer at ORTEC | Applied Math, Mechanical Graduate from TU Delft

Full Info
react native
Kadi Kraman
Formidable, UK
Talk: Optimising Images in Web and Native

Engineering Manager at Formidable, building things in JavaScript, particularly with React Native and GraphQL.

Michel Weststrate
Meta, UK
Talk: Reactivity: There and Back Again

Open source fanatic, speaker and trainer. Author of MobX, MobX-State-Tree, Immer and a plethora of smaller packages. On a continuous quest to make programming as natural as possible. React, JavaScript and TypeScript fan. Working at Facebook on dev tooling for mobile developers.

Siddharth Kshetrapal
GitHub, Netherlands
Talk: Moving on From Runtime Css-In-Js at Scale

Siddharth builds tools for developers. In the past, he worked on Design Systems at Auth0 and as the frontend architect at Practo. He loves talking about design, performance and open source.

Brad Westfall
ReactTraining, USA
Talk: Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites

Brad Westfall has been teaching Web Development since 2010 including bootcamp instruction, online videos, conference speaking, writing at CSS-Tricks.com, and corporate training for ReactTraining.com. He loves to connect with students by helping them achieve their technical goals and by distilling complex concepts into simple instruction.

Mark Erikson
Replay.io, USA
Talk: Debugging JS

Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com. He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.

Full Info
game development
Christoph Nakazawa
CEO at Nakazawa Tech, Japan
Talk: How Not to Build a Video Game

Christoph is an experienced engineering manager, frontend lead and aspiring game developer. He has played a key role in the development of tools such as Jest, React Native, Metro, and Yarn while working at companies like Facebook and Stripe. Currently Christoph is exploring game development and optimizing his workflows which he is excited to share more about in 2023.

Christopher Chedeau
Facebook, USA
Talk: Video Editing in the Browser

Facebook Front-End Engineering Manager

Lee Robinson
Vercel, USA
Talk: Next.js Metamorphosis

Lee Robinson is the VP of Developer Experience at Vercel, where he helps developers build a faster web. He leads the community for the React framework Next.js and is an open-source contributor.

Travis McGeehan
Talk: Tuning Retro Video Archives for Display on the Modern Web using WebGL in React

Travis McGeehan is a Full Stack Developer at Gordon Food Service - a Linguistics Graduate from The University of Oklahoma, he specializes in CI/CD for React Native apps at GFS and moonlights developing Tool Assisted Speedruns and the emulators and tools used as part of the TASBot team.

Seungho Park
LG Electronics, South Korea
Talk: Overcoming Performance Limitations in React Components for Low-end Devices

Seungho is a Senior Software Engineer at LG Electronics and leads Enact (https://github.com/enactjs) as an organization owner and maintainer. Enact is a React-based app framework that supports TV UI components, remote control input, a11y, i18n, and webOS APIs. It is shipped on webOS devices.

Full Info
Joban Singh
Microsoft, India
Talk: Config Driven UI using ReactJS

Hey, I am Joban, and I am currently working as a software engineer at Microsoft Azure. I have been developing planet-scale backend services for the past 2 years and would like to share my experience with Microsoft Orleans Framework, we have been using at Microsoft Teams.

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Daniel Bolivar
Personio, Germany
Talk: Federated Microfrontends at Scale

Cozycore Engineer

Charlotte Isambert
Bam.tech, France
Talk: You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?

Charlotte Isambert is a software mobile architect at bam.tech, a company specialized in mobile apps, with a big React Native tribe. She has been a React Native developer for 2 years.

Cecelia Martinez
Ionic, USA
Talk: Code Signing React Native Apps

Cecelia Martinez is a Developer Advocate for Appflow at Ionic, a company that helps web developers build cross-platform applications using modern technology. She is dedicated to creating better, more inclusive developer experiences for all. Previous companies include Cypress and Replay, with areas of expertise including web & mobile development, testing, developer tools, and open source. She is a Lead Volunteer with Women Who Code FrontEnd, Chapter Head of Out in Tech Atlanta, and a GitHub Star.

Full Info
react query
Dominik Dorfmeister
Adverity, Austria
Talk: Thinking in React Query

Dominik is a Frontend Engineer, React-Query maintainer and Tech Lead at Adverity (https://adverity.com), who blogs about all things React and TypeScript (https://tkdodo.eu/blog/).

Slobodan Stojanović
Vacation Tracker, Serbia
Talk: Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS

Slobodan Stojanović is CTO of Cloud Horizon, a software development studio based in Montreal Canada, and CTO of Vacation Tracker, a simple Slack-based leave management system for teams. He is based in Belgrade and is the JS Belgrade meetup co-organizer.

Slobodan is the AWS Serverless Hero, Claudia.js core team member, and co-author of “Serverless Applications with Node.js” book, published by Manning Publications.

Ivan Akulov
PerfPerfPerf, Netherlands
Talk: React Concurrency, Explained

"Ivan is a Google Developer Expert, web performance consultant, and full-stack software engineer. His web performance experience has helped clients like Google, Framer, Appsmith, and many more. He currently runs the web performance consulting agency PerfPerfPerf.

Outside of work, Ivan enjoys exploring modern art, discovering lesser-known electronic and techno artists, and obsessing over serif typefaces."

Adam Bradley
Builder.io, USA
Talk: Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown

Director of Open Source Development at Ionic: Capacitor.js Ionic Framework Stencil.js

Senna Parsa
GitHub, Netherlands
Talk: Improving Developer Happiness with AI

Senna is a Solutions Engineer at GitHub supporting our customers the EMEA MidMarket segment. She has a background in web application, iOS development, and accessibility. Originally working out of the HQ in San Francisco, she’s been working with GitHub customers for three years, passionate about empowering developers and helping organizations as they go through cultural and digital transformations.

Morten Barklund
Self-employed, Denmark
Talk: 7 TypeScript Patterns You Should Be Using

Morten is a web developer of 20+ years, and a React expert in the last 6. Morten co-authored React Quickly, 2nd Ed, published early 2023 at Manning Publications. Working as a freelance consultant, Morten has been helping agencies and companies of all sizes improve their React codebases. Also, he actually enjoys refactoring! Life-wise, Morten is an ultrarunner, board game enthusiast, and corgi fanatic.

Malte Ubl
Vercel, USA
Talk: Principles for Scaling Frontend Application Development

Malte Ubl is the CTO of Vercel. He leads the development and delivery of the company’s suite of tools and features to enable developers to create at the moment of inspiration. Prior to joining Vercel, Malte was the Principal Engineer for Google Search Rendering and Engineering Director for Google’s Search on Laptops, Tablets, and Desktop. Malte has also created the frontend infrastructure for a number of Google Web Apps and the web at large. He is also the founder and curator of JSConf EU.

Maxim Nam
Tele2, Kazakhstan
Talk: The Path Through Legacy: Delicate Balance Between Tolerance and Phobia

Tele2 Kazakhstan, Front-end TeamLead, 10 years of web development, in love with project transformation and refactoring React based applications.

Vijay Ramesh
Demandbase, USA
Talk: Canaries in the CloudFront

Vijay has been building software professionally for 20 years, focusing mostly on full-stack and backend development for the first half of his career before transitioning into data engineering and applied data science roles, and eventually into engineering leadership. Today at Demandbase he heads up two of the main application groups - supporting Account Based Experience and Advertising - as well as leading the Core and Shared Services platform team.

Full Info
Anuradha Kumari
Passionate People, Netherlands
Talk: Making Interactions Accessible to All Users

Anuradha is a frontend developer, working on making the web more accessible, one website at a time. She is passionate about exploring new technologies and sharing knowledge through tech articles and talks. She has been recognized as GDE, MVP, MDE, and WTM Ambassador. As an accessibility advocate, she aims to spread awareness and empower the community toward achieving the common goal of inclusion through technology. When she is not coding, she loves traveling, exploring museums, reading books, and sketching.

Brendon Co
Standard Chartered, Singapore
Talk: Introduction to Library Marketplace

Originally from Singapore. Brendon is an expert UI expert at Standard Chartered and published multiple books in amazon and leanpub. In his free time, he writes about Remix starterkit, Micro Frontend book and sell UI components.

Luca Del Puppo
NearForm, Italy
Talk: Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications

I'm a Senior Software Engineer, I love javascript and typescript. In my free time, I love to study new technologies or something about improving myself and do trail running in my love Dolomiti.

Full Info
server components
Nikhil Sharma
Postman, India
Talk: Server Components: The Epic Tale of Rendering UX

Software Engineer at Postman. I build scalable and reactive web apps with React and some caffeine! OSS contributor and maintainer @ OSSN Blogger @Medium Speaker

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best practices
Nadia Makarevich
Pyn, Australia
Talk: React Myths And Legends

Nadia is a Frontend Architect, experienced coder and tech blogger. She loves debugging mysterious bugs, solving hard problems with simple solutions and writing articles, that make complicated advanced concepts easy to understand. She managed to escape from locked down Australia in the middle of the global pandemic and now enjoys the life of a digital nomad all over the world.

Lenz Weber-Tronic
Apollo GraphQL, Germany
Talk: GraphQL in 2023 - Still Relevant?

Lenz Weber-Tronic works as Senior Staff Software Engineer at Apollo GraphQL, where he is part of the team maintaining the Apollo TypeScript Client.

He is a maintainer of Redux Toolkit and if he’s not currently trying to summon elder gods with weird TypeScript incantations he can usually be found on StackOverflow answering questions on Apollo and Redux usage or opening random PRs on GitHub.

Shivay Lamba
TensorFlowJS Working Group Lead, India
Talk: Giving Superpowers to Your React Apps with Machine Learning

Shivay Lamba is a software developer specializing in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development.

He is an Open Source Enthusiast and has been part of various programs like Google Code In and Google Summer of Code as a Mentor and has also been a MLH Fellow. He is actively involved in community work as well. He is a TensorflowJS SIG member, Mentor in OpenMined and CNCF Service Mesh Community, SODA Foundation and has given talks at various conferences like Github Satellite, Voice Global, Fossasia Tech Summit, TensorflowJS Show & Tell.

Sanket Sahu
GeekyAnts, India
Talk: Bringing Controversial Ideas to React

I found my love for computers at the age of 8 and haven’t looked back ever since. I built a bunch of products (builderX) and OSS (NativeBase) and lead a consulting company of 500+ folks. I am very fortunate to combine my two passions, design and code, into what I do for a living. I am Sanket, founder at GeekyAnts and still a developer at heart. Currently, I spend my days in my self designed caravan, learning what it’s like to live as a digital nomad and I can’t wait to share my stories with you!

Selena Small
Fresho, Australia
Talk: 10x Your Teamwork Through Pair Programming

Selena is a full-stack lead engineer at Fresho in Melbourne Australia who is particularly passionate about TDD. As a self-taught coder with a background in management, she is well-equipped to mentor others. In her spare time, she is a nak muay ying, professional kickboxer.

Linda Ikechukwu
Smallstep Labs, Nigeria

Linda Ikechukwu is a developer advocate at Smallstep Labs, where her mission is to demystify Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and everything digital certificate usage for developers and DevOps engineers. Her 4 years as a software engineer (cloud + frontend) built the foundation for her current passion: creating educational materials that help developers learn new technologies. When she’s not creating tech content, you can find her on the tennis court or learning to play the guitar.

Yoko Li
a16z, USA
Talk: The Rise of Modern Transactional Stack

Yoko is a tech cartoonist, engineer, product manager and partner at a16z. She spent years as an engineer writing developer tools at AppDynamics and Transposit using React and Anguar, and was a product lead for Terraform Cloud at Hashicorp. Currently, Yoko is a partner at a16z by day, investing in the Javascript ecosystem, and a cartoonist by night, when she draws cartoons to make fun of tech.

Rizel Scarlett
GitHub, USA
Talk: WHOA, I Wrote This React App With My Voice!

Rizel is a Developer Advocate at GitHub. She moonlights as an Advisor at G{Code} House, an organization aimed at teaching women of color and non-binary people of color to code. Rizel believes in leveraging vulnerability, honesty, and kindness as means to educate early-career developers. Her favorite past times are watching anime, crying at the gym, and annoying her husband.

Nathan Marrs
Grafana, USA
Talk: How Grafana Uses React to Power the World of Observability

Nathan is the tech lead of the DataViz squad at Grafana Labs and is based out of beautiful Monterey, California.

Aditi Verma
McKinsey & Company, Vietnam
Talk: Is My React Web App Ready for Launch?

Experienced solution architect and full stack developer with 5 years of experience @McKinsey & Company. Life as a technical consultant has given me the opportunity to explore breadth of stack for various clients and suggesting improvements in development practices, code quality and architecture.

Michael Milewski
Zepto #ABetterWayToPay, Australia
Talk: 10x Your Teamwork Through Pair Programming

Michael is a developer keen on the people side of things. He loves pairing, and in particular with people new to writing software. He especially likes driving software out with tests and directing the evolution of the design. In his spare time, he does a bit of paddle boarding, camping and watching any one of his 4 kids excel above anything he ever managed to achieve.

Christian Ivicevic
JetBrains, Germany
Talk: How (The Heck) Did We End Up Here?!

Christian used to be a high-school teacher and lecturer at university before he started pursuing a career as a Software Engineer. Together with his team he is racing against the JavaScript ecosystem trying to implement support for new technologies within WebStorm.

Kamran Ayub
Kamranicus, USA
Talk: Tired of Tech? Hit Reset with a Sabbatical or LOA

Kamran is a DevEd consultant who helps developer marketers create lean, mean lead-generating content cuisine. He writes about how to avoid fast food developer content marketing in his DevEd Test Kitchen newsletter and hosts DevEducate, a podcast about creating remarkable developer learning experiences. You can learn more at https://deved.love.

Cristhian Motoche
Stack Builders, Ecuador
Talk: Making Impossible States with fp-ts and TypeScript in a React Application

I'm Cristhian Motoche, a software developer at Stack Builders. I have worked for about 6 years on different projects and I have faced different challenges using many programming languages such as: Haskell, Python, TypeScript, R, Elm, PowerQuery, etc. I love to learn new things and review the potential of programming languages. I’m very into functional programming and type-driven development. Apart from that, I like to develop other skills like drawing, playing the guitar, learning Japanese, etc.

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machine learning
Nico Martin
Freelance Frontend Developer, Switzerland
Talk: useMachineLearning… and Have Fun with It!

Nico Martin is a self-taught web-developer and Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies from Switzerland. He has contributed his know-how as a freelance frontend developer and consultant in various enterprise applications, while constantly experimenting with modern browser technologies and sharing his learnings in workshops, articles or talks.

Facundo Giuliani
Storyblok, Argentina
Talk: Pushing Boundaries To The Edge

Among the different things that Facundo enjoys, some of them are meeting and connecting with other people, web development, and talking a lot. After more than 12 years working as a developer, creating products and projects for different organizations and clients, he thought it would be great to combine those three interests in some way. In his search of ways to handle that, he discovered the world of Developer Relations. Nowadays, Facundo works as a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok, and he spends his time engaging with the dev community, speaking at events and conferences, creating and sharing content, writing articles for different websites and platforms, leading workshops, and talking (of course). He is one of the organizers of React Buenos Aires, the biggest React community in Argentina. He has been selected Prisma Ambassador, Auth0 Ambassador, and Cloudinary Media Developer Expert.

Zbyszek Tenerowicz
MetaMask, Poland
Talk: I Run Code From the Internet!

Full-stack developer and technology researcher. JS Security Engineer at MetaMask working on LavaMoat and Endo. Started using Node.js at v0.8 and never stopped. Enjoys innovating and teaching security, diagnostics and maintainability. One of the oldest members of meet.js Poland community - both as a speaker and organizer.

Carly Richmond
Elastic, UK
Talk: Synthetic Monitoring and E2E Testing - 2 Sides of the Same Coin

Carly is a Developer Advocate at Elastic, based in London, UK. Before joining Elastic in 2022, she spent over 10 years working as a technologist at a large investment bank, specialising in Frontend Web development and agility. She is an agile evangelist, UI enthusiast, and regular blogger. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, photography, drinking tea and chasing after her young son.

Rita Castro
Volkswagen Digital Solutions | SDC Lisbon, Portugal
Talk: Our Journey Into μFrontends

Software Engineer that used to build stand alone applications for data processing and mission planning systems turned into a Full-Stack Developer working with Test Driven Development, XP and Pair Programming. Also a Mom now.

Henry Smith
Netlify, UK
Talk: The Future is Composable: Where to Start in Building for It

Henry is a Senior Solution Engineer at Netlify based out of London, UK. He is a keen technologist with a background in modern composable web applications, physics, digital simulation and sentient computing.

Matteo Frana
React Bricks, Italy
Talk: Visual CMS… cool for React devs? Now’s the time!

I am from Bergamo, Italy, I have a son of 7 and a daughter of 4. I program since I was 10 (it was 1988, GW-BASIC on a IBM 8088) and develop web apps since 1996. I’m in love with React and my mission is making content editing fun with React Bricks. I play the piano, I try to play the guitar and I write songs. I like cooking and I'm interested in quantum mechanics.

Giorgio Boa
Claranet, Italy
Talk: Get Rid of Your API Schemas with tRPC

Giorgio Boa is a full stack developer and the front-end ecosystem is his passion. He started to develop applications in 2006 and in 2012 he falls in love with JavaScript. He is also active in open source ecosystem, he loves learn and studies new things. He is very ambitious and he tries to improve himself every day.

Arisa Fukuzaki
Storyblok, Germany
Talk: Go From Zero To Hero: Be Cross-Platform Devs With React Native

Arisa is a Frontend Developer who became a DevRel Engineer. She works at Storyblok to share and improve better DX through talks, maintaining SDKs, and tutorials. Her mission is to learn, speak, connect and help. Outside of her work, she is a GDE and a GirlCode ambassador. In her private time, she is a longboarder, a snowboarder, a yogi, and an Aikido fighter.

Mackenzie Jackson
GitGuardian - Developer Advocate, Netherlands
Talk: Secrets in Source Code - How Your JS Code is Exposing Your Credentials

Mackenzie is a developer advocate with a passion for DevOps and code security. As the co-founder and former CTO of a health tech startup, he learnt first-hand how critical it is to build secure applications with robust developer operations. Today as a Developer Advocate at GitGuardian, Mackenzie is able to share his passion for code security with developers and works closely with research teams to show how malicious actors discover and exploit vulnerabilities in code.

Jordan Gensler
Mysten Labs, USA
Talk: Should You Use React in 2023?

Jordan is the frontend technical lead at Mysten Labs. He is passionate about Taco Bell and TypeScript.

Stephen Cooper
AG Grid, UK
Talk: Supercharged Code Refactoring via Abstract Syntax Trees

Stephen is a Senior Developer at AG Grid. An active blogger writing about web tech who speaks at conferences and meet-ups worldwide, sharing practical and experience-based tips, tricks, and case studies.

Omry Nachman
Codux, Israel
Talk: Off with Their Heads: Rise of the Headless Components

Omry Nachman, an accomplished technology leader, currently CTO at Codux, a Wix company. With over 20 years of experience in frontend and backend development, Omry has held CTO positions in multiple startups and founded the Wix Academy. His passion for React, TypeScript, and the web drives his innovative approach to web development.

Sam Sycamore
Talk: Building Pixel-Perfect UI Components Using CSS Variables

Sam Sycamore is a Developer Advocate at MUI, where he works on technical documentation and content strategy. In his spare time, he enjoys making music and traveling.

Tiki Lobel
Rapyd, Israel
Talk: How to Become a Fintech Developer in Seven Minutes

Tiki Lobel is a fintech software developer who leads a team at Rapyd to liberate global commerce and connect the world’s disparate payment systems into a single integrated network. Her team focuses on core API development and Tiki’s ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously, and her understanding of complex dependencies within a larger system, make her an integral part of all product development in the company.

Juri Strumpflohner
Nx, Italy
Talk: No CRA? What now?

Juri Strumpflohner lives in the very northern part of Italy and is currently working as a JavaScript Architect and Engineering Manager at Nrwl, where he consults for some of the world's biggest companies around the globe. Juri is very involved in the community. He's a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies & Angular, speaks at international conferences, teaches on Egghead.io, or writes articles on https://juri.dev. He's also a core member of Nx.

Itai Hanski
Descope, Israel
Talk: Using PKCE to Communicate Between React and Native Mobile SDKs

For more than twelve years, Itai has been creating on the full spectrum of software development. Anything from simple POCs to intricately complex systems, from native mobile development to fully fledged backend architecture, from libraries and SDKs to client facing applications.

Elian Van Cutsem
vBridge, Belgium
Talk: Extending React Using Astro

Elian is a Software Engineer @vBridge where he started a couple years ago as an intern. He has a strong focus on design, front-end development and cloud native web-applications with the emphasis on personalisation and technical innovation. Elian started out building static websites to showcase the photos he took, then discovered JAMStack development, since then he's always learning and trying out new stuff. Experimentation drew him to Astro, there was no way back. Now, Elian is an Astro Ambassador & always available for a chat or drink.

Adina Stoica
Bloomberg, USA
Talk: How To Build a Chrome Extension Using React

Adina Stoica is a full-stack software engineer at Bloomberg, where she works primarily on front-end items, both Bloomberg-specific and web. Originally from Romania, Adina moved to the United States for college. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in computer science from Bard College and her master’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis, where she specialized in computer vision. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Adina worked at Cerner Corporation (now Oracle Health). Adina is quite passionate about front-end development and improving user experience, and she tries her best to infuse this passion into her development work.

Giulio Zausa‮
Flux.ai, Austria
Talk: Scaling React-Three-Fiber Applications beyond the Hello World

Giulio is an Italian software engineer working at Flux and contributing to open source with Poimandres. He's deeply passionate about pushing the web platform to its limits, building things like custom React reconcilers, real-time computer vision on Web Workers and flex layout engines for THREE.js.

Matheus Albuquerque
Medallia, Czech Republic
Talk: It's 2023 and I Can Finally Talk About Atomic CSS

I'm a Sr. Front-End Engineer at Medallia, building their surveys platform and helping them shape the customer experience market with React. My areas of interest include JS and compile-to-JS languages, DX, and performance optimization. Aside from public speaking about these, I also volunteer at TechLabs, teaching front-end development.

Jerel Miller
Apollo GraphQL, USA
Talk: GraphQL in 2023 - Still Relevant?

Jerel is a Principal Software Engineer at Apollo GraphQL maintaining the Apollo TypeScript Client living in beautiful Colorado, USA. He loves the art of software development and finding creative solutions to challenging problems.

Noam Honig
Firefly Migration, Israel
Talk: Meet Your New BFF: Backend to Frontend without the Duct Tape

Coder, open-sourcerer, developer experience enthusiast, software architect, and entrepreneur. At work, I oversee and consult in enterprise legacy systems modernization for fortune 500s to small businesses. Outside work I love helping NGOs as a full-stack developer and mentor.


Our MCs

Jani Eväkallio
Software Engineer, UK
Eli Schutze
Avian Labs, UK

Software engineer based in London. Originally from Nicaragua, Eli is also a speaker and community organiser, so when she’s not working you can find her at tech events, teaching people to code or tweeting.

Nathaniel Okenwa
Twilio, UK

Nathaniel is a Developer Evangelist at Twilio working to create magical moments for developers with their products. He is a die hard fan of JavaScript, sports, superheroes and mixed martial arts. His life goals are to have Batman's brains, Deadpool's humour, T'Challa's fashion sense, Killmonger's Wokeness, and Thanos' determination! He serves the Javascript community in the UK and the rest of Europe.

Mettin Parzinski
Miro, Netherlands

Father, husband, squash player, quite bad at chess, metalhead, aspiring woodworker. Working in the developer experience team at Miro to enable other developers to create awesome plugins for Miro boards.

Program Committee

Mettin Parzinski
Miro, Netherlands

Father, husband, squash player, quite bad at chess, metalhead, aspiring woodworker. Working in the developer experience team at Miro to enable other developers to create awesome plugins for Miro boards.

Aashima Ahuja
Freelance Consultant, Netherlands

I am a frontend engineer working in Miro. I am a JS enthusiast. I love talking about the Web and exploring new technologies. I believe knowledge grows with sharing , so I love to spread my knowledge about frontend.

Konstantin Klimashevich
Xebia, Netherlands

Konstantin works for Xebia as an IT professional with 10+ years of experience in software development, analysing, designing and developing enterprise applications, social games and services. In his spare time he's passionate about running, race cars and JavaScript.

Daniel Afonso
OLX Group, Portugal

Daniel Afonso is a Developer Advocate at OLX. Daniel has a full-stack background, having worked with different languages and frameworks on various projects from IoT to Fraud Detection. He is passionate about learning and teaching and has spoken at multiple conferences related to React, JavaScript, and testing. In his free time, when he's not learning new technologies or writing about them, he's probably reading comics or watching superhero movies and shows.

Joel Arvidsson
Klarna, Sweden/Germany

Joel is an engineer at Klarna and open source author. Excited about React Native, glitch art and lacto-fermentation.

Johannes Goslar
Twitter, Germany

Johnny loves (board|electronic) games, programming with a lot of parentheses and cycling and creating Communities on Twitter. After receiving his MSc from Oxford, he went to San Francisco only to be kicked out a year later due to not receiving another visa, he then tried building two startups in Berlin, after which he decided to join another startup in London, only to be relocated to Germany again by 2020, where he now is working remotely, specifically the communities team. In his free time he runs Kronberger Spiele, publishing games since 2003.

Asaf Shochet Avida
Evinced, Israel

I am Asaf, father of three, front end tech lead @Evinced, and public speaker with 10+ years of experience in web development, including frontend, backend and test automation, and a special place in his heart for shiny CI pipelines.

After spending a year and a half traveling with my wife and kids in the far east, I came back to create state of the art accessibility tools for developers. In my spare time I love reading Harry Potter with my daughter (without saying the forbidden name of the lord), mentoring junior devs, writing in this blog about things that I find interesting, and making Pitas on the Saj.

I enjoy teaching and giving lectures and talks about different areas in software development, including accessibility, design patterns, Chrome Extensions, and job interviews, and always looking for interesting venues to talk in.

Workshops Free & PRO

Take full advantage of your conference experience, and get training from our best speakers and instructors. We'll cover TypeScript, Testing React Apps, Advanced React, Concurrent Rendering in React 18, Blitz.js, GraphQL Security Testing, Ionic & React while allocating enough time for practice.

workshop training
workshop training
workshop training
workshop training
workshop training
workshop training
workshop training
workshop training
workshop training

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Remote Combo: React Summit + JSNation, Regular

Jun 1-2 & Jun 5-6 (remote)


Remote participation on June 1-2 & June 5-6

All information about JSNation

40+ talks in addition to React Summit talks

Interactive video stream in HD quality

Remote networking

Interactive sessions with speakers

Free remote workshops

Early access to talk recordings

Remote tech discussion rooms

Certificates on conference / workshop participation

Digital swag package


Remote Ticket, Regular

Jun 2, 6 (remote)


Remote participation on June 2 & 6

Interactive video stream in HD quality

Remote networking

Interactive sessions with speakers

Free remote workshops

Early access to talk recordings

Remote tech discussion rooms

Certificates on conference / workshop participation

Digital swag package


Remote Full Ticket with Multipass

June 2, 6 (remote)


Remote participation on June 2 & 6

Interactive video stream in HD quality

Remote networking

Interactive sessions with speakers

Free remote workshops

Early access to talk recordings

Remote afterparty

Remote tech discussion rooms

Certificates on conference / workshop participation

Full remote access to React Summit, React Advanced, JSNation, Vue.js Live

Full remote access to TestJS Summit, Node Congress, GraphQL Galaxy, TypeScript Congress


Full-access remote attendee perks

Free 3h


Take full advantage of your conference experience, and get training from our best speakers and instructors. We'll cover Remix, Web3, Web accessibility, GraphQL & many more topics!

We'll have:

20+ Free Workshops - included in the full ticket price.

Besides free workshops, there are also PRO Full Day Workshops:

PRO Workshops - to be purchased separately.

2x more content

Enjoy the second day of talks from world renowned speakers

Enjoy HD streaming quality & get recordings right after the conference

Get the full experience & get prepared for a big screen

Take part in Discussion & Speaker Q&A rooms

Get the most out of networking with speakers and fellow attendees


Join discussions focusing on specific technologies. Hang out with people who are on the same page. Discussion rooms on June 2 will be held in a hybrid format while on June 6 fully in a remote format.

test 1 logo

test 1

Nathan Marrs closeup

Nathan Marrs

test 1
test 222 logo

test 222

Malte Ubl closeup

Malte Ubl

test 222
Public Speaking / How to Create a Good Talk Proposal - Rita Castro, Anuradha Kumari, Giorgio Boa logo

Public Speaking / How to Create a Good Talk Proposal - Rita Castro, Anuradha Kumari, Giorgio Boa

Rita Castro closeup

Rita Castro

Anuradha Kumari closeup

Anuradha Kumari

Giorgio Boa closeup

Giorgio Boa

Public Speaking / How to Create a Good Talk Proposal - Rita Castro, Anuradha Kumari, Giorgio Boa
Career Advancement - Rita Castro, Slobodan Stojanović, Kadi Kraman, Giorgio Boa, Christoph Nakazawa logo

Career Advancement - Rita Castro, Slobodan Stojanović, Kadi Kraman, Giorgio Boa, Christoph Nakazawa

Rita Castro closeup

Rita Castro

Slobodan Stojanović closeup

Slobodan Stojanović

Kadi Kraman closeup

Kadi Kraman

Giorgio Boa closeup

Giorgio Boa

Christoph Nakazawa closeup

Christoph Nakazawa

Career Advancement - Rita Castro, Slobodan Stojanović, Kadi Kraman, Giorgio Boa, Christoph Nakazawa
Future of Frontend Frameworks - Juri Strumpflohner, Dominik Dorfmeister, Lenz Weber-Tronic, Mark Erikson, Anuradha Kumari, Giorgio Boa, Miško Hevery, Mukkund Sunjii, Brad Westfall, Christian Ivicevic, Giulio Zausa‮ logo

Future of Frontend Frameworks - Juri Strumpflohner, Dominik Dorfmeister, Lenz Weber-Tronic, Mark Erikson, Anuradha Kumari, Giorgio Boa, Miško Hevery, Mukkund Sunjii, Brad Westfall, Christian Ivicevic, Giulio Zausa‮

Juri Strumpflohner closeup

Juri Strumpflohner

Dominik Dorfmeister closeup

Dominik Dorfmeister

Lenz Weber-Tronic closeup

Lenz Weber-Tronic

Mark Erikson closeup

Mark Erikson

Anuradha Kumari closeup

Anuradha Kumari

Giorgio Boa closeup

Giorgio Boa

Miško Hevery closeup

Miško Hevery

Mukkund Sunjii closeup

Mukkund Sunjii

Brad Westfall closeup

Brad Westfall

Christian Ivicevic closeup

Christian Ivicevic

Giulio Zausa‮  closeup

Giulio Zausa‮

Future of Frontend Frameworks - Juri Strumpflohner, Dominik Dorfmeister, Lenz Weber-Tronic, Mark Erikson, Anuradha Kumari, Giorgio Boa, Miško Hevery, Mukkund Sunjii, Brad Westfall, Christian Ivicevic, Giulio Zausa‮
it('should be tested') - Rita Castro, Cecelia Martinez, Cristhian Motoche logo

it('should be tested') - Rita Castro, Cecelia Martinez, Cristhian Motoche

Rita Castro closeup

Rita Castro

Cecelia Martinez closeup

Cecelia Martinez

Cristhian Motoche closeup

Cristhian Motoche

it('should be tested') - Rita Castro, Cecelia Martinez, Cristhian Motoche
Developer productivity - Rita Castro, Matteo Frana, Luca Del Puppo, Cristhian Motoche logo

Developer productivity - Rita Castro, Matteo Frana, Luca Del Puppo, Cristhian Motoche

Rita Castro closeup

Rita Castro

Matteo Frana closeup

Matteo Frana

Luca Del Puppo closeup

Luca Del Puppo

Cristhian Motoche closeup

Cristhian Motoche

Developer productivity - Rita Castro, Matteo Frana, Luca Del Puppo, Cristhian Motoche
Performance - Rita Castro, Zbyszek Tenerowicz logo

Performance - Rita Castro, Zbyszek Tenerowicz

Rita Castro closeup

Rita Castro

Zbyszek Tenerowicz closeup

Zbyszek Tenerowicz

Performance - Rita Castro, Zbyszek Tenerowicz


JS Driven Performances, Algorave

The international music movement with a community of electronic musicians, visual artists and developing technologies.

JS Driven Performances, Algorave
JS Driven Performances, Algorave
JS Driven Performances, Algorave
JS Driven Performances, Algorave


No explanation needed - just join the fun!
Karaoke<br> Bar


Dance like nobody's watching!
Silent<br> Disco
Silent<br> Disco
Silent<br> Disco

Amsterdam exploration day

Boat on the river



Join us for a boat tour along Amsterdam channels on June 3. Hybrid ticket holders will get an invite link. Registration is necessary.

Boat on the river



Our guides are here to provide the best information about Amsterdam in a most exciting way



Gedempt Hamerkanaal 231
Amsterdam, 1021 KP

View on map


Speakers ship
Our special React Amsterdam tradition is to rent a whole boat-hotel, where most of speakers stay during the event and a special speakers dinner takes place.
React ferry from Central Station
Conference venue is located right at the Ij river, and for attendee convenience we book a ferry ship for a direct commute from Central Station.
Speakers transfer boat
Our speakers travel to conference in style - on a private boat right from their hotel to event venue doorsteps.

Giving back to community

We try our best to make all our events accessible and inclusive for a diverse audience. Get in touch with us if you wish to support this initiative, and help us provide Diversity Scholarships for the underrepresented groups in tech.

100 of 100 extra diversity scholarships sponsored

React Open Source Awards

We’re looking specifically at open source projects or initiatives, with or without a code, but following an open and transparent culture, open for collaboration and contributions from any person interested.

Github stars are not our criteria, and we’re looking for hidden gems (non yet maintstream), that may not have enough marketing power or huge companies behind them. The main goal of the project is to shed some light on great projects, that weren’t enough noticed in a competitive environment and hype.

Submit or suggest a project

JS Open Source AWARDS
Breakthrough of the year
Breakthrough of the year
Breakthrough of the year
Breakthrough of the year
Breakthrough of the year
Fun side project of the year
Fun side project of the year
Fun side project of the year
Fun side project of the year
Fun side project of the year
Most impactful contribution to the community
Most impactful contribution to the community
Most impactful contribution to the community
Most impactful contribution to the community
Most impactful contribution to the community
Productivity booster
Productivity booster
Productivity booster
Productivity booster
Productivity booster
the most exciting use of technology
the most exciting use of technology
the most exciting use of technology
the most exciting use of technology
the most exciting use of technology


We would not be here, if companies like Facebook would not invest into Open Source so heavily, as well as React would not grow that much without support of multiple great companies from across the globe. We're really grateful for all the trust and support our partners shared with us.

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Check sponsorship opportunities.

Media Partners
Tech Partners

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